Tudip – Bestvantage Incubation Program
Objective: The purpose of this program is to develop an ecosystem for budding and startups and help nurture them.
Eligibility: This scheme will be applicable to early stage and growth startups with strong founding team
What can a startup expect?
Supported by Tudip technologies to develop IT products (web and mobile product) and for initial marketing.
Co-working place for team of 4 in Pune
Weekly mentorship session with industry mentors and industry stalwarts
Funding upto Rs 50 lakhs per startup. This amount will be reinvested to develop product capabilities.
Support by Bestvantage to help further raise capital.
Support startups to hire the best talent.
6% Mentor equity by Tudip Ventures
2% Mentor equity from Bestvantage Technology India Pvt Ltd (Bestvantage)
Royalty of 5% of sales till 3X of investment amount is recovered. This royalty will be shared in 2:1 between Tudip Ventures and Bestvantage
Last day to Apply: June 1, 2024
How to apply:
Fill in the form and get started